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Prepare for your data file

  1. The data file require VCF formats: VCF;

  2. The data file can be either haplotypes or genotypes;

  3. Variants should be sorted by their genomic positions along each chromosome, the variant positions should follow the GRCh38 (hg38) coordinates. If you need a format converter between different human genome versions, please click here;

  4. The data file should be compressed by gzip (*.gz).  If you need help on creating gz format of files, please click here;

  5. Each compressed data file should be less than 1G (roughly equivalent to maximally 500 individuals only GT information). If it is larger than 1G, please cut the file into smaller documents by putting the individuals into multiple data files and upload separately;


Upload your data file

  1. Click "Upload" to upload your data file. Please note that you will need to upload your files one by one, we will only accept one data file each time;

  2. Fill the Parameter Form, a collection of customized running parameters preferred by a user;

  3. We will immediately send you an email once we receive your file with a case ID. Then we will perform an initial check of your file format, and once finished we will send you the second email about the result of the initial format check with the same case ID.


Download your result

  1. When the analysis is finished, you will receive the third email notice with a link and the case ID.

  2. To download your result, you can either click the link provide by the email or go to the Ancestry Server website and click on the "Download";

  3. Fill in the case ID;

  4. Click the "Download" button;

  5. The results will be a zip file;

  6. You will have 30 days to use an encrypted connection to get your results.

Your own Reference Panel

If you want use your own reference, please contact

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